Filipino King James Bible
Initially, in May of 2011, Bro. Mallari started out translating alone beginning with the four Gospels and then progressing into the book of Romans. The Lord made it possible for a few thousand copies of a specially marked back to back edition of John and Romans to be printed in the summer of 2012. Since then, Bro. Mallari has devoted at least three days a week of his time for his prayerful and careful translation of the Bible. He would usually continue working till the late hours past midnight, often oblivious of the passing of time. In early November of 2013, fourteen qualified translators and helpers (all are KJB-believing preachers) were enlisted to help out in the on-going translation project. The Translation Project finally got much-needed extra hands on the job. It was now a 15-man Working Committee.
Sadly, in the next couple of years that followed, the working hours were quite long, the daily task was tedious, and the struggling project even more suffered insufficient funding; so much so that by the end of December 2015, there remained only eight out of the original fifteen translators. The demands of the project concerning both personal time and effort proved very exacting and extremely challenging to some of the translators who were at the same time teaching Bible studies, pastoring churches, raising up growing families, and working either day or part-time jobs on top of their volunteer translation work.
It was only by the pure grace and mercy of the Lord that the remaining eight translators were able to press on perseveringly and faithfully with the work so that towards the end of June 2016, they were rewarded by the fruit of their labor of love. Hence, the first draft of the entire Filipino New Testament (based solely from the KJB) aka Ang Bagong Testamento (ABT) was finally completed! It was now almost a reality! Consequently, a select 4-man Editorial Committee further did meticulous final review and proofreading of the completed text in the weeks that followed.
Thus, the First Edition of our Ang Bagong Testamento was ultimately completed and published by the end of July of 2016 with an initial printing of a small batch of 2,100 copies made possible in both paperback and hardback editions.
It is our fervent prayer and desire is to be able to locally print within this year (2017) two separate paperback editions of at least 1,000 copies each of our Bilingual Parallel English-Filipino NT and our Filipino NT with Psalms & Proverbs. This is by far the best that we could do under our present limitations. If we had the funds now, we would actually be ready to start printing both editions within a month or so from now.
As of this writing, we have made further progress in translation work even as we have already completed the books of: Psalms, Proverbs, Genesis and Exodus. At the rate we are progressing, we are prayerfully looking into early to mid 2022 to finally complete and publish the entire Old & New Testament scriptures. To date, we have raised about 30% of the budget needed to print our dual Second Printing. If you have a burden to bring the precious word of God in the national language of the Filipino people, please do pray about and consider becoming our prayer or supporting partner.
All the translators who have contributed in this labor of love sincerely dedicate their humble accomplishment to the glory and honor of the Lord – Who is the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

What We Believe
KJV Translation Project
Open Air Evangelism
Chick Tract Distribution
Bible & Literature Distribution
Gospel Audio Recording
Printing Ministry
Mini Library Projects
Bible Study Outlines
Bible Study in Audio
Send the Light Ministries, Post Office Box 52164, Angeles City 2009, Philippines
+63 915 835 5612
Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."