Send the Light Ministries
in the Philippines
Our mission is to bring the word of God to Filipinos here and abroad. STLM aims to exalt the Saviour as we edify the saints, and evangelize sinners.
The Filipino King James Bible
The Ang Bagong Testamento was ultimately completed and published by the end of July of 2016 with an initial printing of a small batch of 2,100 copies made possible in both paperback and hardback editions. All the translators who labored dedicate their humble accomplishment to the glory and honor of the Lord – Who is the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

Send the Light Ministries (STLM) was founded by Pastor Rodelio D. Mallari in April 2006. STLM was born out of the need to encourage local churches in the work of the ministry by conducting conferences and producing indispensable Christian ministry resources into Filipino, the national language of the Philippines. Sound biblical materials that are based solely on the time-honoured text of the King James Bible are so hard to come by in the Philippines.
STLM is not affiliated with any missions organization. Its humble efforts for the Lord have never been regularly supported by any local or foreign Christian funding agencies. STLM has a support-base of a handful of like-minded Christian families and a few local churches that believe in what it does and stand for the Lord. As such, your prayers and support for this fledgling ministry are much appreciated.
Long Term Objectives
To translate and locally print the King James Bible into Filipino;
To translate and locally print English Christian literature that could be effectively used in evangelistic and discipleship work;
To encourage and train local churches to get involved in sustained personal,house-to-house, and open-air street evangelism;
To produce and distribute free evangelistic CDs, videos and literature to reach as many of our 8 million Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) as possible;
To conduct Bible seminars and conferences in aid of the edification and equipping of national pastors;
To aid the study and ministry of the poorest of the poor likeminded Filipino pastors and missionaries with new or used Study Bibles, pastoral helps, and other theological references as the Lord provides;
To aid the ministries of the poorest of the poor likeminded Filipino churches with an assortment of new or used Bibles, New Testaments, scripture portions, tracts,Sunday school materials, and other literature as the Lord provides;
Vision for Christ
STLM has since printed and distributed thousands of tracts all over the Philippines. As the Lord provides the ways and means, STLM envisions printing Bibles, books, literature, hymnals, Sunday school materials, tracts, etc. to supply freely or at cost to the thousands of needy Filipino churches. While STLM cannot supply everything to everyone, it will prayerfully endeavour to do its small part to make a difference in the growth and ministry of local churches.

What We Believe
KJV Translation Project
Open Air Evangelism
Chick Tract Distribution
Bible & Literature Distribution
Gospel Audio Recording
Printing Ministry
Mini Library Projects
Bible Study Outlines
Bible Study in Audio
Send the Light Ministries, Post Office Box 52164, Angeles City 2009, Philippines
+63 915 835 5612
Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."