Bible & Literature Distribution
As donations of both new and used Christian books, Bibles, pastoral and study helps trickle in, we collect, sort and designate them according to the specific needs and requests of the poorest of the poor among our native pastors, Bible students and other church workers. It is a fact that a large number of Filipino preachers and workers have only very limited Bible seminary training which makes books and study materials indispensable in their predicament.
Understandably, due to their minimal monthly allowances received from their local churches, it is almost impossible for the average Filipino preacher-teacher-missionary to purchase the essential tools he needs for the work of the ministry. Thus, Send the Light Ministries and its partners wish to continue doing their small part in distributing to the necessity of saints here. (Rom. 12:13).
We have been blessed with faithful and generous ministry partners (a few families, local churches, ministries, and a Bible Society abroad) who have been sending us on a regular and semi-regular basis an assortment of Bibles and books which we sort and pack into smaller boxes and send free of charge to the individuals and churches in our growing mailing list.
Due to our very limited resources and the ever rising cost of local shipping, we are able to cycle our free Bible and Literature Distribution Ministry up to a maximum of only 3-4 times a year. If any of you would like to have part in our efforts to aid poverty-stricken Filipino churches and their leaders in their personal study and ministry of God’s word, please feel free to contact us.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: To our beloved fellow soldiers in Christ from India, Africa and other Third World countries, we apologize and are truly very sorry that we are presently not in a financial position to help you out with your numerous requests for Bibles and literature. We do hope and pray that you understand our current limited capability

What We Believe
KJV Translation Project
Open Air Evangelism
Chick Tract Distribution
Bible & Literature Distribution
Gospel Audio Recording
Printing Ministry
Mini Library Projects
Bible Study Outlines
Bible Study in Audio
Send the Light Ministries, Post Office Box 52164, Angeles City 2009, Philippines
+63 915 835 5612
Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek."